This is my journey into web3!

Welcome to my page on the Permaweb where I talk about my journey into web3!

  • If you do not know what the Permaweb is, you can read here an informative article.
  • If you still do not know what is web3, you can read my article here.

First let me introduce you my flurry friend, "Tommy the Perma-Cat":

While I'm still involved in web2, I'm actively contributing to build web3.
Recently, I was honored to be interviewed by GRTiQ and release my first podcast about my journey into web3:

I started my web3 journey early in 2020 and today I’m the Community Manager and Admin for Graphtronauts, the largest and unofficial community for long term GRT holders who believe in The Graph’s web3 vision for the future. Our goal is to educate the broader crypto community and help them become contributing members within The Graph ecosystem.

I’m developing content and administering our social presence; you can find us here:

I'm also the author of our Medium blog where I write articles to help people start their journey into web3 and discover everything about this new digital revolution:

Our medium blog is localized in eight languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and many more. You can access the localized version here.

We are also acknowledged by The Graph’s founders as the main community that brought 50% of the staking to secure the network. Here you can find Eva Beylin (Director at The Graph Foundation) and Yaniv Tal (CEO at Edge & Node) mentioning our community during the last Graph Day 2022 in San Francisco:

Graph Advocates Program
In September 2021 I’ve been nominated to be on the first cohort of Graph Advocates from The Graph Foundation, to help spread the word about web3 and the importance of decentralization. The Graph Advocates is a community-driven initiative serving as a portal into web3 for people across the world. Advocates have the unique opportunity to learn and contribute to The Graph community and web3 mission.

Graph AdvocatesDAO

In April 2022, with other amazing friends, I founded Graph AdvocatesDAO that is the DAO overseeing the Graph Advocates Program and handling also the Community Grant Program on behalf of The Graph Foundation. The Graph AdvocatesDAO is the community governing body that oversees membership and contributions of the Graph Advocates Program and community grants. The DAO launched with 20 members who were part of the initial cohort of the Advocates Program.

Graphtronauts Indexer
In November 2022, with my partners at Graphtronauts, we launched our indexer node to further support The Graph's web3 vision for the future. We are indexing so far Ethereum and Gnosis chains (more chains to come soon) and offering staking services for The Graph through our two datacenters (NA and EMEA based). Here I hold the position as Co-Founder, CFO, and COO.
You can read our official launch announcement here:
Ronin Network Validator
In January 2023 I've been selected as one of the 16 validators to run the Saigon Validator Program for Ronin Network, amongst 250+ applicants. Ronin is an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain crafted for developers building games, with player-owned economies, powering games like Axie Infinity. You can read the official launch announcement of the Saigon Validator Program here:
Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game in which players purchase NFTs of cute monsters and then pit them against each other in battles. It has generated so far more than $4B in total NFT sold. Ronin Network has moved to DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) on April '23, a consensus mechanism that is a variation of the classic PoS (Proof of Stake) system. Besides that, Sky Mavis, the company behind both Ronin Network and Axie Infinity, has announced a partnership with five new game studios together with the RON staking, more info here.

In April 2023 I've started a couple of nodes for Presearch, the first decentralized search engine that compensates its users with a cryptocurrency known as PRE Token. Presearch was created in response to the prevailing state of search engines where Google and Bing are particularly dominant. In a world where 77% of all searches are controlled by a single entity, influencing trillions of dollars in expenditure, shaping people’s perceptions, and essentially being the primary gatekeeper to the Internet, a new, community-driven, and open search engine is a necessity. Unlike the existing search engines, Presearch is taking the non-traditional route using an open-source, decentralized blockchain index curated primarily by the community just like Reddit and backed up by machine learning algorithms.

The Graph Foundation
Starting from May 2023 I joined The Graph Foundation as Community Relations with the aim of improving the outreach of The Graph ecosystem across the globe, with a special focus on creating a strong and vibrant community in Asia.


If you want to connect with me, you can find me here:

And finally, I wish you a beautiful day ... and let's build a brighter future all together 🧱 👨‍🚀 🚀
